Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Alright, no idea abt this singer at all, hahahahaha. Since laulong & oz seems to appreciate“how can I tell her” a lot I started my research again… (yea curiousity could be a curse sometimes). Turns out he’s the singer of “will you still love me tomorrow”. Wow, seriously, something new to learn everyday eh?

Am not going to comment on the arrangement or the style as fondness is entirely based on one’s particular taste, and most of the time, taste is connected with emotions. Anyhow, I came across this song that I find beautiful, thx to my little research. =)

Guess in the end, we all shd stay open minded eh?


篤篤篤撐 said...

he is the singer of "will u still love me tomolo", not carol king?

C+ said...

No idea! But the arrangment of Lobo's version is a bit different (strange) for my taste. =p

L L said...

Lobo 老餅歌喇!雖然我時常同啲學生講音樂無分新舊!
