Saturday, January 17, 2009


新開張, 當然要選一隻具代表性的主題曲. 喜歡It's My Life, 不單因為說出了我對人生的想法, 而是同一首詞, 同樣由 Bon Jovi來唱, 但以兩種演繹方式, 感覺上竟然會有如此強烈的對比.

每次聽 Unplug version, 都凄酸得想落下淚來. 然後嘛, 不就是再聽Original Version 來為自己打氣加油囉. (笑)

一如人生, 有悲喜甜苦, 全憑自己怎以My Way 演繹.

Will you share your theme song with me ?

Bon Jovi - It's My Life (Unplugged Version)


Anonymous said...

Unplug version 真係"正"啲架!
好想think of a song to share with you, but 我好貪心,我鐘意好多好多歌,我有好多好多favorite, 不知同你分享邊一隻好. 既然你講開Bon Jovi, 我就最鐘意"All about loving you"

C+ said...

I have this thing for really simple tunes... and I am also overloaded with favorites. It's my life is one of our "group" song, we all shout & scream & jump every time we are in a karaoke... guess that's why it's precious!

Thx for ur recommendation. Do u like "Always" as well??

Anonymous said...

We have a group song too - "Crazy" JCJoJo. That's the song we shout till our voice lost.
"Always" is also a very good choice too. I will say Bon Jovi has a lot of great songs... now u remind of some Aerosmith's song as well now.

C+ said...

Aero Smith!!!

"I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time"
